5 Supply Chain Funnies for Friday
We'll have another deep read for you next week, but for now put your feet up and enjoy your lunch over these five supply chain funnies.
(We hear you questioning, "supply chains can be fun?" Of course they can! Haven't you ever dropped anything off your roof?)
Five Examples of Supply Chain Funnies
1. Transportation
Sometimes you're going to need more horsepower...

2. Suppliers
As a supplier, do you often feel like no-one ever remembers you're around? Try missing a couple of delivery dates. (Just for the record, we do the opposite!)
3. Planners
In a planning meeting, an analyst asks his Demand Manager, “Which do you like best, my detailed forecasts or my improved inventory projections?”
The manager looks over his Excel spreadsheets at length, before finally replying, “I like your sense of humor.”
4. Ordering
Contrary to popular belief, the best way to locate missing inventory is NOT to place a new Purchase Order!
5. Loading
No matter how efficient your loading, sometimes it's worth making a second trip...

Have a great weekend, we'll see you next week!