CEW Awards Honor Tarte Cosmetics CEO Maureen Kelly

From day one Maureen Kelly, founder and CEO of our extraordinary client Tarte Cosmetics, knew what she wanted her company to stand for in the world of makeup. Then all she had to do was wait for the world to catch up.
17 years and many millions of dollars in cosmetics sales later, it's fair to say that most of us are finally on the same page as Kelly.
That fact was underlined last week when the Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) organization honored her achievements in this hyper-competitive industry.
CEW Awards 2017 Honors Maureen Kelly of Tarte
The CEW Awards is an annual gathering of major players in the cosmetics sector. More than 9,000 beauty professionals are consulted to highlight the most innovative products and people in the business. Suffice it to say that the experience and expertise of Tarte Cosmetics' passionate CEO mean that she embodies the qualities they look for every year.
Innovation? Check.
Before others considered natural formulas as a competitive advantage, Kelly had committed her brand to only those ingredients that she would want on her own skin.
Industry leadership? Check.
She understands what women want from makeup and personal care products, often before they know it themselves. The founder of Beauty Blitz once declared that “[Kelly] has an almost prescient sense of what is going to be hot in the beauty industry."
Brand loyalty? Check.

Even at the bottom of the financial crash that began back in 2008, Tarte Cosmetics turned a healthy profit. While the beauty sector contracted in 2010, and despite the many challenges facing cosmetics fulfillment, Tarte saw sales increase by 50% compared to the previous year.
All of which points to a founder who not only knows the cosmetics sector inside out, as so many do, but who also has the drive to apply that knowledge to create an internationally renowned brand.
Capacity is proud to play a role in the ever-developing success of Tarte Cosmetics. On behalf of the entire team here, we congratulate Maureen Kelly on her latest honor at the CEW Awards and look forward to celebrating many more to come! Learn more about who we work with here.