With Thanks to Our Clients and Colleagues…
Warm wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving to all of those we work for and with!

We're thankful for our extraordinary clients year-round, of course, but nonetheless, this is the perfect time to deliver our gratitude for the businesses that place their products - and trust - in our hands.
Capacity LLC is extremely lucky to work in an industry that allows us to become so close to, and passionate about the operations with whom we work.
As well as those we've known for many years, we give thanks for great new clients and urge you to check out some of those we've added recently:
- Soapwalla - Handmade beauty products designed to feed your skin - http://www.soapwallakitchen.com
- Tatcha - Geisha-inspired skin care products that bring beauty from the inside out - http://www.tatcha.com/
- Yummy Bazaar - Globally curated, delicious snack foods direct to your door! - http://yummybazaar.com/
- EcoEasy (Instagating) - "Tailgating in a Box:" Eco-friendly tailgating for the modern sports fan
- Protein World - Protein revolutionaries committed to pure, GMO free supplements - http://www.proteinworld.com/
We should also thank the sales professionals who pay close attention to our clients, forming a crucial connection between their business and the fulfillment processes that run through our operation.
If you spend time on Linkedin you'll find them there, ready to connect and discuss how our fulfillment solutions could benefit your business. Visit our team section to find them.
There's plenty of time to take in the seasonal shopping (which is set to break records this year) so enjoy the rest of the week relaxing with family and friends!