Women’s Equality Day, Every Day
Today marks Women's Equality Day in the United States, which was introduced almost 100 years ago to commemorate the 19th Amendment affording women the right to vote.
Almost a century later, it stands as a reminder of not only what women have achieved, but how far society still has to go to reach true equality.
Equality, Today and Every Day

Naturally, as we still have progress to make, every day should be a day to celebrate and advocate for equality.
Whether it's developing the potential of colleagues in entry-level roles or rewarding individuals on their way to the top, Capacity is committed to raising up the hard-working and uniquely talented women within our ranks. We also seek to support organizations that focus on these same goals, such as sponsoring the Advancing Women Executives (AWE) Accelerator program here in neighboring New York City.
With this sentiment in mind, here are a few interesting articles related to our industry - and those we serve - that celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion. You can also read more about diversity at Capacity here.
Gender Equality in Global Supply Chains - The Ethical Trading Initiative looks at factors limiting equality in supply chains that span the globe and what corporations can do to help.
5 Reasons to Increase Your Company's Diversity - AWE is one of our favorite organizations to partner with for events and female leadership programs here in New York City, so this interview with EVP Kim Davis naturally caught our attention. Compelling reasons to drive greater diversity in any company.
15 Muslim Beauty Influencers to Follow - A short yet insightful piece on the emerging halal beauty market and those driving its development.
Ways Women Still Aren't Equal to Men - A self-explanatory article highlighting the many areas where we still need to make progress towards true gender equality.